2. A Thorough Portrayal
From RCA MA Graduation Show
The aim of this video-performance piece is portrayal. Using different technological tools and abilities of portraying we meditate through the movements and the body in personal and inter-personal experiences.
The truthfulness of what is shown is maintained by preserving its fundamental value - vulnerability.
The video presents a collaboration of two artists Sandra Djukic and Katherine Araniello. Sandra is the author of the concept reflecting a year and a half research about physical deformity, and Katherine, the disabled performance and video artist whose independent work mainly uses satire in relation to disability.
It is an encounter is of two almost complete strangers in a piece about vulnerability an exposure done in a subtle way that involved trust of the two people, artists. It is also about control – there is an equality in the piece despite physical differences,the two both immersing in systems to both be in front and behind the camera and manipulating the image.
Camera / Netalie Ron Raz, Katherine Araniello, Sandra Đukić
Editing / Sandra Đukić
Concept & Direction / Sandra Đukić
full video